Mysore to Bangalore Train Timings:
Mysore-Bangalore Express train timings are listed in the below table. There are 26 trains connects Mysore with Bangalore, 6 are the slower passenger trains. The rest are express trains. 20 of these are daily trains. You may also want to checkout the Bangalore to Mysore train timings.
Train No, Train Name, Departure (MYS), Arrival (SBC), Days |
16524,Bangalore Express ,05:30,08:20,Daily |
16518, Bangalore Express, 05:30 , 08:20 ,Daily |
16215,Chamundi Express, 06:45 , 09:30 ,Daily |
16229,Mysore Varanasi Express , 07:20 , 09:55 , Tue and Thu |
12613, Tippu Express , 11:15 , 13:45 ,Daily |
17307, Basava Express , 13:30 , 16:40 ,Daily |
12008,Shatabdi Express, 14:15 , 16:15 , Daily( except on Wed) |
16557, Rajyarani Express , 14:30 , 17:10 ,Daily |
16232, Mailaduturai Express , 15:30 , 18:30 ,Daily |
16535, Golgumbaz Express , 16:00 , 18:50 ,Daily |
56213, Tirupati Passenger , 17:00 , 20:15 ,Daily |
16236, Tuticorin Express , 17:45 , 21:00 ,Daily |
16210, Ajmer Express , 18:15 , 21:30 , Tue and Thu |
16592,Hampi Express, 18:40 , 21:50 ,Daily |
16022,Kaveri Express, 20:30 , 23:25 ,Daily |
56263,Night Queen Passenger, 23:55 , 04:00 ,Daily |
There are few more passenger trains as well...
The Bangalore-Mysore Train Timings is updated on Sep 2015. This table would not current. Please check with the Indian Railways website for the current train timings.